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Read this case study below on Pulsant’s work with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, which helped them seamlessly pivot to online performances during the pandemic.

25-year partnership with Pulsant continues to take the SCO to new heights

The Covid-19 pandemic left arts venues empty and performers unable to connect with live audiences, 这对表演者和乐迷来说都是一个充满挑战的时刻. However, it also drove musicians to create new opportunities to connect with wider audiences and the Scottish Chamber Orchestra (SCO) leveraged its presence on online channels to do just that.

感谢上海合作组织的在线演出, 新老观众, 国内外, have been able to enjoy cultural experiences from their homes during lockdown, something that’s been possible thanks to the Orchestra’s established relationship with Pulsant.


Recognised by BBC Music Magazine as “one of the finest ensembles of its kind in the world today”, 上海合作组织汇集了来自世界各地的音乐家. The SCO’s objective has always been to connect with and inspire people of all ages through the power of music, 从古典到当代,甚至超越.

Led by young, 热情而鼓舞人心的指挥家马克西姆·埃梅里扬切夫, the SCO is on a mission to provide as many people as possible with opportunities to hear live orchestral music. It has toured the length and breadth of Scotland and travelled throughout Europe, the Far East, 印度和美国.

It’s not just the SCO’s performances that enrich Scottish life – the Orchestra’s award-winning Creative Learning programme sees it working with schools, universities, hospitals, care homes and community centres to help people from all walks of life learn about music and explore their creativity.


上海合作组织与脉动公司的合作关系可以追溯到25年前, helped due to the strong presence Pulsant has always had in Edinburgh where the SCO is based. 三个脉动数据中心, 包括博天堂入口最大的数据中心(南盖尔), provide colocation and networking services to businesses in and around the city.

The partnership first began when the emergence of the internet required the SCO to establish an online presence. Since then, 脉动公司为上海合作组织提供宽带连接, 网络托管和活动赞助. 互联网的发展, 包括电子邮件和社交媒体, continues to drastically change how organisations operate and Pulsant has been on hand every step of the way to keep the SCO connected, 敏捷并且能够达到其数字潜力. Over the years, hundreds of Pulsant staff have had the pleasure of attending the SCO’s energetic and memorable live performances.

“We know we can trust Pulsant after a quarter of a century working together,加文·里德说。, 上海合作组织首席执行官. “Having such a reliable partner that’s ready to help us out at every hurdle has certainly reduced the burden brought about by the pandemic while keeping us well and truly on the map.”


上海合作组织以其充满活力的现场演出而自豪, but opportunities to perform quickly disappeared as the pandemic hit and concert halls around the world fell silent. However, 上海合作组织知道有广泛的听众, 也许包括更远的地方, 这将欢迎并受益于它的音乐——困在家里的人, dealing with the struggles and restrictions which had been ladened upon them.

“We knew there were new audiences to reach and opportunities to connect with people burdened by lockdown who were yet to discover the magic of live orchestral music,” says Reid. The Orchestra’s musicians were also lacking the outlet they were used to through their performances. 简单地说, the SCO needed to do something to reach its full potential under the limitations of the pandemic.


To solve the challenges brought about by Covid-19, the SCO outlined a new set of brand principles. 它会带来卓越, quality and accessibility at the heart of everything it would do moving forward. 把它的表演放到网上就是答案.

By recording live performances and broadcasting them ‘as live’ via YouTube, the SCO would be able to connect digitally with new and existing audiences online, 提供卓越, 所有人的质量和可及性.

The SCO’s channel views in the year prior to the pandemic totalled just over 25,000. 12个月后,该频道的浏览量为23.19万. Similarly, 观看时间从2019年的705小时增加到17小时,在大流行期间的000小时, 增幅超过2300%. Finally, impressions across social media also increased over 600%, totalling over 1.3million.

It was clear that this wouldn’t just be a short-term fix while Covid-19 restrictions were in place. It would enable the SCO to connect with audiences all over the world online beyond the pandemic.

“Our pivot to online performances has been incredibly well-received,” says Reid. “The uplift in viewership has been so gratifying for all of us at the Orchestra during this otherwise challenging time. 虽然我们还没能出去巡演, 我们仍然能够与国际观众建立联系.”

“Pulsant has played a pivotal role in establishing and sustaining our digital presence, both historically through keeping us online and supporting our presence over the years, and recently, with the
reliability of their connectivity helping to make our online performances so successful. 感谢脉动, what otherwise could have been a really stressful shift was in fact seamless and delivered without a hitch.”

普朗特很自豪能继续支持上海合作组织, providing the digital underpinnings that allow the Orchestra to connect with audiences in Edinburgh and beyond. Pulsant also continues to sponsor SCO live events and both parties are looking ahead to more opportunities to bring performances to audiences both in person and online.

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